Meet the boys!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Slowly by Slowly - Oct 16/17, 2010

The weekend!!

What did I do this weekend..? Lets see. On Saturday I took my time getting into to town, then I met Alex at Flavours and “tried” to show him how to load pictures on facebook..which would have worked had the connection been better. J From there we went by the school, found Johnson and then went to hang out at the boy’s house. I taught Johnson how to play Sudoku! Which was actually quite fun and rewarding, and then we had some lunch of posho and greens…yum! (mostly, although I have to confess that I think I would get tired of this food fairly quickly…we will see).

It was then decided that I should cook a meal for the boys the next day…woohoo..?? I mean, I can cook, but shopping for food in Uganda is much different then shopping for food in Canada…and for 13 African boys/men who eat VERY large quantities…ya, I can do that…I hope!

Alex and I went to the central market, and then to the super market (where they have normal things that you would find in a convenience store..only with Indian labels because most of the stores are owned by Indians). That was pretty much my day, I came home, worked on some presentation stuff about my trip so far, and the watched a movie and went to bed!

Church was this morning at 8:30am. First of all, I saw the BIGGEST snail in my life!!! I swear to you, it was almost the size of my fist. Ewww! But kinda cool as well! Many of the boys had went to the first service (starting at 7am), so I attended with only Henry and Patrick. By the end of the service I was about ready to jump out of my seat. I am not usually the person with ADD, but a church service that is over 1 ½ hours just feels SO long. I still need to decide what I am going to do about church. On one side I want to find a church that I can be part of, and get involved with but on the other side it is really important for me to go to church with the boys…so we will have to see.

Anyways, after church we walked back to the boys, and then headed out to the football game…which was supposed to be at 11am (so naturally we left at 11:30….). To make a long story short, we waited for 4 hours before the game began!!! In the end I am still not sure what happened, but we waited and waited and then were told that a referee was coming..and then waited and waited…on and on. Lol. The boys hadn’t had any lunch so Alex and I went and bought sachets of water (did you know you can buy such a thing!) as well as buns to tide them over. Finally after much time a referee did show up…and the game began. (I should mention that normally the boys would have left, but this was their final game and if they were to win, the prize was cash!)

The game was intense, and the other team got a goal in the first 10 minutes. The score remained like this until there were about 20 minutes left in the game. Finally, we got a goal! But then it was taken away from us due to boundary issues. Shortly after that we got our first goal, and then our second. The boys officially came in first place in their league! They were SO happy, and so was I! It was a proud moment J

After the game all of the boys on the team (about half boys from the Sanctuary, and half friends from around) came to the boys house and we celebrated with Icecream! Now it was time to cook some Spaghetti! WoohooJ

And that was my weekend. On a side note, I got to talk to Michelle last nite which was just what I needed! While we were talking she asked me if I had burnt my skin yet..and I said no. I should have knocked on wood, because today I got scorched! There was a big thunderstorm last nite, and the morning was very dark and dreary. I totally forgot to put on sunscreen (although I DID do my face) and my arms and back and chest are a nice shade of red. Oh well, I’m sure it will turn into a lovely tan!

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