Phew, thanks for taking the time to hear about some of the things that are going on. Let me see if I can fill you in on what has been happening the last couple of days. So Thursday we spent the day working at keeping the boys (new ones, David and Hassen) entertained. This included washing their clothes…might I add that I have NEVER IN MY LIFE SEEN WATER SO DIRTY! After washing only his shirt and pair of pants, Hassen’s water was almost black! David’s was slightly less back, but still very dirty! They seemed to be content to do chores like this around the house though. We played some football in the yard, some more card games, and then did some school work. We have been working to see what level the boys are at and hoping to start preparing them for starting school (assuming that they will stay with us) in February. They also had some fun teaching me how to wash dishes (yes, for a second time, but this time I think I have it!) and even how to wash clothes. They also showed me the tricks for sorting the stones and chafe out of uncooked rice. Henry decided to do some painting (inspired by David’s shirt) and I got to add my hand to the amazing table that the boys have in their kitchen. Oh, last thing, I am working on perfecting my sweeping with a straw broom! And I mean ALL straw, handle (if you can even call it that) and all.
Later in the day David and I went out with a children’s bible story book to read some of the stories. As we went through the stories, David was able to point out many of the pictures and tell me the story that went with them. I was so encouraged to see how well he knew his bible stories, and I hope that we have more of an opportunity to talk about this in the upcoming weeks.
Friday morning was spent doing a lot of the same thing as Thursday. Then Henry and I went out to Lordsmeade School, which is a Secondary School/vocational school where students go to highschool, but are also offered courses like carpentry, construction, agriculture, sewing, catering, etc among their ‘normal’ classes. The benefit is that it helps students learn what they are interested in/good at before actually attending a vocational school for their chosen trade, and choosing the wrong one. It was great to get a tour of the place, and to see different options that the boys could/would have.
Friday night I ended up coming home early. My plan was to blog, journal, read, and maybe watch a movie. BUT, TIA, the power ended up going out, and that changed the plan. I read for a while, and the finally decided to go to bed at 8:30!!! It was actually quite lovely. Last time that I was in Jinja the power went out only a couple times in the entire 7 weeks we were here. Looks like I wont be so lucky this time.
Saturday morning presented me with another problem. No air time on my phone. Most phones used around here are “pay as you go” so to speak. If I buy 10,000 shillings (roughly $5) worth of air time, it lasts me about a week. I hadn’t been paying attention to my minutes, and suddenly found myself without. I headed into town to buy air time, and Henry found me here. We then went to the house to find David and Hassen, but when we got there, they were nowhere to be found, and neither was anyone else. Shortly after Alex came with Hassen, and we trekked back into town to find David.
Upon finding David it was suggested that Alex and I take David and Hassen shopping in the market. Keep in mind that the market is millions of little booths as well as people sitting on the ground with their products around them, trying to sell everything before the day is over. It is one thing to go with 2 people into the market, and quite another to go with 4. BUT Alex was a great leader, and we soon bought everything we needed: avocado, cabbage, passion fruit, rice, sugar, green peppers, tomatoes, onions, something called ‘dough dough’ (sp?) for greens, tiny fish, a pineapple, bread and a brush for washing clothes. Good thing there were four of us, because it took that many people to carry our things out of the market. We then loaded David and Hassen up onto a boda boda and send them on their way home.
The rest of the night was filled with fun and well as trying to resolve some of the conflicts that were happening in the house. Henry does a great job and talking things over with the boys, and giving everyone a chance to say their side. I don’t understand half of what is being said, but from what other boys have told me, he is definitely trusted and looked up to with great respect among the boys. The night ended with the boys doing tricks on the front yard, they have so much fun together, despite some of the tension that takes place in the house.
Today? Sunday. I went with Henry to Calvary Chapel. Well, technically I went for 8am, and he came about 40 minutes later…and we were on opposite ends of the church. But, either way, it was great. The worship was amazing, though it really made me miss Creekside. BUT, I am happy to have a found a potential church to attend. The speaking was on prayer which seemed appropriate, and the congregation was very friendly. I am going to check it out again next week to see how it is. After church we went back to the boys house, and then after lunch about 8 of us went swimming. That was amazing! Definitely what I had been longing for! When we first got there, there were only a few people there, but after being there for a couple of hours, it started to get quite busy, and I should add that I was the only white person to be seen. It was fun watching David learn to swim and to see the boys doing tricks off of the edge of the pool.
Usually when I go to the pool I jump in the water, maybe swim for a bit, and then go lay in the sun. This continues on for the rest of the time, and then I go home. But not this time! This time I probably swam for a good 2 hours, if not longer! By the time we were ready to go I was zonked, and actually came home and slept for an hour. Even now I can tell that my body is ready for a good nites sleep! It felt great though!
Tonight I spend the nite with Siouxanne and Emily. We had a great supper of stew, salad(yes! Salad) cornbread (fresh out of the oven with butter and honey, yum!) and it was delicious! We finished the nite with The Bucket List, and then I got to talk to my dad! It’s funny, or rather obviously God at work, but it seems that every day that I am feeling frustrated, or uncertain, etc. I get a phone call! I love seeing God at work in the day to day things! How can we not know how important and loved we are.
I thought of you (well and me, and another friend actually) when he talked about HOPE - its a good balance :)