Dear Friends,
As you know, I have been struggling with the idea of returning to Uganda ever since coming home from my 5 month stay there from Oct 2010 to March 2011. Going back to The Sanctuary and working with the boys has been on my heart since my return.
When I first came back to Waterloo, I wanted to make sure that it was really God’s call on my heart for me to go back and not just my emotions getting in the way of making this huge decision. I only wanted to go back to Uganda if that was where God wanted me to be. I needed to make sure that my motives were clear. I miss the boys and feel called to go back. Whether they are talking about their days, about a problem they had at school, about worries for their displaced families, or a question about what they learned at church, I want to be there to listen and advise them. To teach them that they were created for a purpose, and were made by a God who loves them so much more then I can ever love them. As I get to know them more, and better understand what they are going through, I can better understand how we, The Sanctuary, can help them prepare for the future. I also want to help better equip our staff in ways to support the boys, both emotionally and spiritually.
After much thought, prayer, and discussion with the mentors in my life, I have come to the conclusion that God has given me this desire to return to Uganda, and that He is calling me to go back.
Just being able to share this with you is more exciting for me than you can imagine. I have been dreaming about making this decision since the day that I stepped onto the plane in Entebbe after a tearful goodbye to all of the boys.
God has worked in so many powerful ways throughout my trips to Uganda, and I am excited to see what He has in store for The Sanctuary. This is His project, and these are His boys! I am humbled to be part of the plan He has for their lives, and for the possibility that the lives of other youth might be reached.
If you are receiving this letter it means that you have a played a huge role in all of the things that have been happening in my life, and in the lives of all the boys at The Sanctuary, and I want to say thank you! It is only through God’s grace that any of this has come to be.
My plan is to stay in Uganda for 1 year, leaving at the end of March 2012. My goal is to be able to live off of $700/month. In addition to my monthly expenses, I will need to raise extra support to cover health insurance, furniture, medical costs, visas, etc. Due to these expenses, the total amount I need to raise is approximately $12,000.
Thank you for all that you have done already for The Sanctuary, and for supporting me as well. Please recognize that I would not be here today if it were not for your support. God is using YOU to accomplish His work in Uganda, and I am so honored that you have trusted me with carrying that out. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me with the information that you will find at the bottom of this page.
What I am looking for are sponsors who will commit to supporting me on a monthly basis, (ie $25, $50, $100/month) as well as one time sponsors who can help me to cover initial costs. If this is an area that you feel called to support me in, please see next page for information you will need to help.
One child at a time…
Melissa MaertensContact Information